MRE: More than a simple application

When carrying out the stability analysis of a slope using the well-established software Geostru Slope Stability analysis – Slope, the user has the option of placing a retention structures of his choice : Walls, Piles, Ground Anchor and Reinforced soil. Selecting the latter will open the module  Reinforced Earth – MRE. We speak of a…

sprijin cluj crollo muri di sostegno collapse walls

The collapse of retaining walls: Cause

The collapse of retaining walls may result from several factors, including: Soil instability (GEO): If the soil surrounding the wall is unstable, for example, due to telluric movements, accumulation of water, erosion, etc. Structural settlements (STR): If the wall has been improperly designed or built, for example with inadequate structural stability or poor quality materials,…

strumenti metodo osservazionale

The observational method in geotechnical design

As in accordance with Eurocode 7 Part 1, the hen prediction of geotechnical behavior is difficult, so it may be appropriate to apply the approach known as the “observational method,” in which the design is reviewed during construction. This method is applied by following this procedure: limits of acceptability of the values of certain quantities…