embankments settlements loadcap geostru

Road and rail embankments: new features introduced in GeoStru Loadcap

The design of earthworks, i.e. structures built using loose soil, has as its main objective the creation of constructions that remain stable over time, guaranteeing adequate safety margins. The performance required varies according to the type of work: for example, for an earthen dam or a river embankment it is essential to ensure hydraulic impermeability,…

MRE: More than a simple application

When carrying out the stability analysis of a slope using the well-established software Geostru Slope Stability analysis – Slope, the user has the option of placing a retention structures of his choice : Walls, Piles, Ground Anchor and Reinforced soil. Selecting the latter will open the module  Reinforced Earth – MRE. We speak of a…

prove penetrometriche statiche

Application of static penetrometric tests in stratigraphic profile reconstruction

Application of static penetrometric tests in stratigraphic profile reconstruction Diego Lo Presti,* Claudia Meisina,** Nunziante Squeglia* Cone penetration tests are a well-established in situ test methods for site characterization. Their widespread use for subsurface explorations is due to their reliability, speed, economy and to the fact that they supply continuous records with depths of soil…

indagini geognostiche prove di laboratorio geostru

Indagini geognostiche, prove di laboratorio e risultati della relazione geologica: tutto quello che occorre sapere grazie alla utile guida geotecnica dei geologi del Lazio

Indagini geognostiche, prove di laboratorio e risultati della relazione geologica: tutto quello che occorre sapere grazie alla utile guida geotecnica dei geologi del Lazio Per la progettazione accurata di un’opera, è essenziale condurre un approfondito studio del sottosuolo al fine di ottimizzare le risorse economiche in relazione alle prestazioni richieste. Il Collegio dei Geologi della…

BIM for Geotechnics and Geology

BIM for Geotechnics and Geology: The GeoStru team is working at full pace to provide customers with the best solutions in Building Information Modeling (BIM). BIM has revolutionized the way architects and engineers work, and it also offers significant advantages in the field of geotechnics and geology. Work Methodology Those who use GeoStru software know…

architetto soluzione

Geostru Solutions: The Reliable and Simple Choice for Architecture Professionals

Are you an architect looking to simplify the process of geotechnical calculation and analysis? Do you need reliable tools to ensure the safety and efficiency of your designs? Let me introduce you to GeoStru, a leader in the field of geotechnical engineering and specialized software. Geotechnical engineering is a fundamental component of modern architecture. A…

Un incontro tra idrologia, geologia applicata e idrogeologia

L’idrologia, la geologia applicata e l’idrogeologia sono campi strettamente interconnessi nella gestione e nello studio dei corsi d’acqua, dei canali idraulici e del ciclo dell’acqua nel suo complesso. Questi campi scientifici si uniscono in un approccio integrato per risolvere complessi problemi ingegneristici e ambientali. L’idrologia è lo studio della distribuzione, del movimento e delle proprietà…

sprijin cluj crollo muri di sostegno collapse walls

The collapse of retaining walls: Cause

The collapse of retaining walls may result from several factors, including: Soil instability (GEO): If the soil surrounding the wall is unstable, for example, due to telluric movements, accumulation of water, erosion, etc. Structural settlements (STR): If the wall has been improperly designed or built, for example with inadequate structural stability or poor quality materials,…