MRE: More than a simple application

When carrying out the stability analysis of a slope using the well-established software Geostru Slope Stability analysis – Slope, the user has the option of placing a retention structures of his choice : Walls, Piles, Ground Anchor and Reinforced soil. Selecting the latter will open the module  Reinforced Earth – MRE. We speak of a…

eurocodice eurocode 7

Eurocode 7: Geotechnical Design – What is Eurocode?

The EN Eurocodes apply to the structural design of buildings and other civil engineering works including, geotechnical aspects, structural fire design and situations including earthquakes, execution and temporary structures. For the design of special construction works (e.g. nuclear installations, dams, etc) other provisions than those in the EN Eurocodes might be necessary. It is basically used in 27…

DReW Seismic: Displacement of Retaining Walls due to Earthquakes

Stability analysis of embedded cantilever retaining walls in seismic area is generally carried out by calculating a factor of safety against a possible mechanism of collapse. However, a more rational approach consists in assessing the performance of the structure in terms of accumulated permanent displacement (Fig. 1). Indeed, this approach is required by many national…

Geotechnical sections: Conventions to be used in SLOPE

Extensively used at an international level,  Slope stability analysis software – SLOPE is one of the most used software for slope stability verification of both loose and rocky soils, using the traditional methods of geotechnics (Limit Equilibrium), and the Discrete Element Method. Under seismic conditions, it is possible to choose either the pseudo static method…