embankments settlements loadcap geostru

Road and rail embankments: new features introduced in GeoStru Loadcap

The design of earthworks, i.e. structures built using loose soil, has as its main objective the creation of constructions that remain stable over time, guaranteeing adequate safety margins. The performance required varies according to the type of work: for example, for an earthen dam or a river embankment it is essential to ensure hydraulic impermeability,…

indagini geognostiche prove di laboratorio geostru

Indagini geognostiche, prove di laboratorio e risultati della relazione geologica: tutto quello che occorre sapere grazie alla utile guida geotecnica dei geologi del Lazio

Indagini geognostiche, prove di laboratorio e risultati della relazione geologica: tutto quello che occorre sapere grazie alla utile guida geotecnica dei geologi del Lazio Per la progettazione accurata di un’opera, è essenziale condurre un approfondito studio del sottosuolo al fine di ottimizzare le risorse economiche in relazione alle prestazioni richieste. Il Collegio dei Geologi della…

Geotechnical sections: Conventions to be used in SLOPE

Extensively used at an international level,  Slope stability analysis software – SLOPE is one of the most used software for slope stability verification of both loose and rocky soils, using the traditional methods of geotechnics (Limit Equilibrium), and the Discrete Element Method. Under seismic conditions, it is possible to choose either the pseudo static method…

GeoStru software: customize language and technical standards

GeoStru software is used worldwide and is translated into many languages. Reliability, computation accuracy and ease of use are some of the strong points of our programs. The progress and updating of the software has brought many new features such as the integration of the GeoDropBox Cloud service: now within the programs you can synchronize…