Un incontro tra idrologia, geologia applicata e idrogeologia

L’idrologia, la geologia applicata e l’idrogeologia sono campi strettamente interconnessi nella gestione e nello studio dei corsi d’acqua, dei canali idraulici e del ciclo dell’acqua nel suo complesso. Questi campi scientifici si uniscono in un approccio integrato per risolvere complessi problemi ingegneristici e ambientali. L’idrologia è lo studio della distribuzione, del movimento e delle proprietà…

sprijin cluj crollo muri di sostegno collapse walls

The collapse of retaining walls: Cause

The collapse of retaining walls may result from several factors, including: Soil instability (GEO): If the soil surrounding the wall is unstable, for example, due to telluric movements, accumulation of water, erosion, etc. Structural settlements (STR): If the wall has been improperly designed or built, for example with inadequate structural stability or poor quality materials,…

piezometro piezometer

The piezometer

The piezometer What is a piezometer? The piezometer is an instrument for measuring the level of the water table and/or the interstitial pressures. This instrumentation is installed in the probing hole and performed with continuous core drilling or core destruction. Types of piezometer There are different types of piezometers adopted in low to the hydrogeological…

eurocodice eurocode 7

Eurocode 7: Geotechnical Design – What is Eurocode?

The EN Eurocodes apply to the structural design of buildings and other civil engineering works including, geotechnical aspects, structural fire design and situations including earthquakes, execution and temporary structures. For the design of special construction works (e.g. nuclear installations, dams, etc) other provisions than those in the EN Eurocodes might be necessary. It is basically used in 27…

dreni verticali 1 settlements

Settlements of the ground in the construction of embankments

In the design of road and rail embankments on fine-grained or very fine-grained soils, it is necessary to understand the settlements to overland the time.  This is because, in the case of water infiltration, the drainage process takes place very slowly in the medium and long term. The problem is particularly felt in the sections…

strumenti metodo osservazionale

The observational method in geotechnical design

As in accordance with Eurocode 7 Part 1, the hen prediction of geotechnical behavior is difficult, so it may be appropriate to apply the approach known as the “observational method,” in which the design is reviewed during construction. This method is applied by following this procedure: limits of acceptability of the values of certain quantities…

DReW Seismic: Displacement of Retaining Walls due to Earthquakes

Stability analysis of embedded cantilever retaining walls in seismic area is generally carried out by calculating a factor of safety against a possible mechanism of collapse. However, a more rational approach consists in assessing the performance of the structure in terms of accumulated permanent displacement (Fig. 1). Indeed, this approach is required by many national…