Filippo Catanzariti (04-06-1969 Calabria, Italy) is an engineer, buisnessman, and computer programmer. He graduated in civil engineering at the University of Calabria (UNICAL) with a thesis entitled "Programma di calcolo per l’analisi della stabilità dei pendii con metodi numerici avanzati” (Calculation program for the analysis of slope stability with advanced numerical methods). From 1996-1999 he worked as an analyst and software developer specialized in algorithms and development in the main programming languages: pascal, vb, fortran, visual c ++ and in the web full stack developer. In 1999 he founded Geostru, the well-known international software company, for which he produced hundreds of software and sophisticated analysis algorithms. Maturing experience in: advanced mathematical models 2D / 3D and graphics programming with OpenGL and DirectX. Between 2000-2014 he was co-supervisor of numerous degree theses and author of technical articles published by Ingenium Edizioni. Between 2014-2019 he published articles in international technical journals and coordinated important university research projects. Since 2014 he is a member of: AGI, ISRM, ISSMGE, AGI-IGS and certificate of AGS (Association of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Specialists). Since 2016 he works as analyst, software developer, consultant for insourcing (SC ENGSOFT) and outsourcig activities for important international companies, in the European Silicon Valley, Cluj Napoca.

Integrare il BIM nella Geotecnica e nella Geologia

Integrare il BIM nella Geotecnica e nella Geologia. Come definito dal NIBS (National Institute of Building Sciences), il Building Information Modeling è “una rappresentazione digitale delle caratteristiche fisiche e funzionali di una struttura, una risorsa di conoscenza condivisa di informazioni che costituisce una base affidabile per qualsiasi decisione lungo il suo ciclo di vita, dalla…