naturalistic engineering

Naturalistic engineering works for slope stability: living retaining walls.

Preliminary sizing of naturalistic engineering works is one of the most important operations to be carried out before the detailed design of the works, certainly preceding technical checks and subsequent final sizing. Having quick and efficient tools at your disposal to perform initial checks and assess whether the chosen techniques can solve the issues has…

BIM for Geotechnics and Geology

BIM for Geotechnics and Geology: The GeoStru team is working at full pace to provide customers with the best solutions in Building Information Modeling (BIM). BIM has revolutionized the way architects and engineers work, and it also offers significant advantages in the field of geotechnics and geology. Work Methodology Those who use GeoStru software know…

liquefazione e sisma

Liquefaction and earthquake

Liquefaction and earthquake Liquefaction is an extraordinarly complex and potentially destructive phenomenon that can occur during a seismic event of significant intensity. The accelerations generated by a seismic event result in an increase in the neutral pressure of the interstitial water contained in saturated sandy soil. Figure 1 – Comparison between stable soil on the…

architetto soluzione

Geostru Solutions: The Reliable and Simple Choice for Architecture Professionals

Are you an architect looking to simplify the process of geotechnical calculation and analysis? Do you need reliable tools to ensure the safety and efficiency of your designs? Let me introduce you to GeoStru, a leader in the field of geotechnical engineering and specialized software. Geotechnical engineering is a fundamental component of modern architecture. A…

Integrare il BIM nella Geotecnica e nella Geologia

Integrare il BIM nella Geotecnica e nella Geologia. Come definito dal NIBS (National Institute of Building Sciences), il Building Information Modeling è “una rappresentazione digitale delle caratteristiche fisiche e funzionali di una struttura, una risorsa di conoscenza condivisa di informazioni che costituisce una base affidabile per qualsiasi decisione lungo il suo ciclo di vita, dalla…

Un incontro tra idrologia, geologia applicata e idrogeologia

L’idrologia, la geologia applicata e l’idrogeologia sono campi strettamente interconnessi nella gestione e nello studio dei corsi d’acqua, dei canali idraulici e del ciclo dell’acqua nel suo complesso. Questi campi scientifici si uniscono in un approccio integrato per risolvere complessi problemi ingegneristici e ambientali. L’idrologia è lo studio della distribuzione, del movimento e delle proprietà…

VS30 mapping and site characterization in the seismically active intraplate region of Western India: implications for risk mitigation (Da Sairam et al, 2019)

Dynamic Characterization: Understanding the Response of Soil to Seismic Events

Dynamic characterization is a crucial step in designing earthquake-resistant structures. Non-destructive geophysical techniques like MASW are used to predict the shear wave velocity and provide valuable information for site characterization, ground response analysis, and micro zonation mapping. Studies have shown that NEHRP, IBC, and NTC2018 provisions can be used to classify soil profiles based on their shear wave velocities.